The bacon and the pecans add crunch to this delicious salad. You can substitute baby spinach in this recipe for a more tender bite, but we like how the...
Martha's favorite kielbasa is "chunky, meaty, slightly garlicky, with natural casing and not too much fat." Her two favorite purveyors are Sikorski Meat...
A whole head of cabbage is cooked with brown sugar, Creole seasoning, and cider vinegar in the same pot as the kielbasa until it strikes the perfect balance...
Make an irresistible dinner (or three!) with a slow-cooked pork shoulder that has the perfect flavors for a cool evening. Use this recipe to make Open-Faced...
Some cooks use diced giblets (heart, gizzard, and liver) in addition to the pork sausage in order to give this cornbread-based stuffing an extra meaty...
This is a very versatile dish; it can be cooked in advance, in the oven or in a slow cooker. If you use a slow cooker, brown pork on stovetop first then...
For the most succulent schnitzel, pound the tenderloin as thin as possible without tearing it. Toasting the panko ensures a golden brown crust without...
Extend the life of leftover holiday ham beyond sandwiches and toss the salty meat with some mushrooms, cheese, and parsley for a quick and satisfying pasta...
This easy one-pot goulash comes together in under an hour-not bad for a dish that traditionally simmers for most of the day. By opting for quick-cooking...
Roast two stars of the autumn harvest -- apples and sweet potatoes -- alongside pork for a satisfying meal in a single pan. You won't lose a drop of flavor...
This is a very tasty sweet glaze for a holiday ham that is already cooked. Apricot and mustard come together for a tasty flavor that's sure to delight...
This Asian-style marinade transforms a mild cut of pork into an exotic dish. Serve it with a mix of summer vegetables, such as Sauteed Snap Peas with Scallions...
Smoky, sweet, tangy, and tender: North Carolina-style pulled pork is perfect for sharing with friends at backyard barbecues. The deep flavor comes from...
Layers of ingredients yield layers of flavor in this iconic casserole from southwestern France. From start to finish, this dish takes about 18 hours to...
These pork ribs are rubbed with a blend of earthy spices and brushed with a slowly simmered sauce that has a slight kick. They come off the grill tender...
Homemade Texas barbecue sauce and dry rub give this pulled pork incredible flavor. Searing in a Dutch oven followed by cooking in the oven at a low temperature...
It's a busy cook's dream: dinner that makes itself. With a slow cooker, it's a reality. Toss together the ingredients necessary to make this spicy seafood...
Choucroute garni combines the smoky flavors of several sorts of sausage, pork butt, and thick-cut bacon with the pungent perfume of sauerkraut, bay leav...